Stay Home Printable Art


I hope you are all well and keeping safe wherever you reside in the world.

Here in the UK we entered yet another lockdown at the beginning of the year and like so many other parents we have been trying to get used to juggling work and homeschooling but trying to keep a positive atmosphere in our home for our children's sake.

Stay Home art print and colouring sheet. illustration of girl reading on a book cover.

So for my next printable gift to my subscribers this illustration seemed ideal as we are yet again confined to our homes but we can always find ways to entertain ourselves and use our imaginations to find comfort.

I’m a big book collector and especially love vintage children’s books.I have a real weakness for the classic ‘things to do’ type of books and even as a child growing up in the eighties I remember pouring over books written in the forties and fifties teaching you how to play card games and make paper boats,etc. So I created my own front cover of my own imaginary book The Stay Home Book (that is a lot of make believe;D) So there is a printable art print for you to print off and display but I also thought a colouring sheet would be quite fun.

Coloured in colouring sheet.

My youngest enjoyed trying it out and I love his version. Why did I not think about making her hair purple!There is also a template for a colouring greeting card which I thought would be nice if your little ones would like to make one and send it to someone they haven't seen in a while. We haven't seen our family in nearly a year now and correspondence has become more important than ever.

Just some details about the printables

  • To get your printables, you need to subscribe to my newsletter using the form below. If you are already a subscriber; you will have been sent a link in an email.

  • The zip file contains two folders. One with A4 size documents and one with Letter size versions so I would just delete the one that isn't relevant to you so it saves file space.

  • You can print the colouring sheets on any type of paper but the card one might be a bit better on slightly heavier paper than your general printer paper so it can stand up.

  • If you do use the printables and want to show me on instagram just tag them with @cassandrarileydesigns and I can share them on my stories.

Really hope you have lots of fun with them!

Cassandra xxx


My Design Process(Part One)


Flora Paper Doll